Update From MOE: Jet Fuel From Sunday Morning 401 Crash Ended Up In Mill Creek

I have just confirmed that some jet fuel from the spill on the 401 Sunday night has ended up in Mill Creek.
Crews are on scene vacuuming visible fuel and ocean booms are in place in an attempt to stop the spill from reaching shades mill conservation area.
At this point in time I do not have any information about the quantity spilled or any danger it may pose.
I have contacted the MOE and will update here with their information once it is received. Please check back regularly for updates.
UPDATE: The MOE has gotten back to us with some information. I’d like to thank them for their quick response:
The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks takes all spills and threats to the environment very seriously.
We are working to ensure that the owners of the spilled material are aware of their responsibilities and take the necessary steps to clean-up the site to mitigate impacts.
Environmental vacuum trucks remain at the wetland south of the accident site to skim impacted water. Crews are also working to address any fuel contaminated soil in nearby ditches.
Booms have been deployed in Mill Creek, including the Concession 2 bridge (Puslinch Township) and at Gore Road (City of Cambridge), as some spilled jet fuel (unconfirmed amount at this point) entered Aberfoyle Creek south of the accident site and has migrated into Mill Creek as far as Gore Road (City of Cambridge).
There has been no observed impact to the Shade’s Mill Conservation Area. Today another ocean boom has been deployed at the southernmost section of the Shade’s Mill reservoir as a precautionary measure to prevent further migration to the Grand River.
Environmental Officers continue to be at the site to coordinate and oversee containment and clean-up efforts.
For health related information, please contact the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health unit (1-800-265-7293) or The Region of Waterloo Public Health (519-575-4400). For safety related information, please contact Puslinch Fire and Rescue Services (519-821-3010) or the Cambridge Fire Department at (519-621-6001).
The Ministry’s role is to ensure environmental impacts are properly addressed and we will continue to be involved as necessary until clean-up efforts are complete.
More information from CTV News – Click Here.
Some images captured on Concession Road 2 by Kevin Johnson: