All Puslinch Township Facilities And Buildings Remain Closed To Public

The COVID-19 situation continues to change rapidly, and as a Township, we are doing our
best to adapt how we conduct business and serve our community, while protecting the safety of our
staff and residents. Township officials are working closely with Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health to respond to the situation.
The Township relies heavily on the advice and information provided by our federal, provincial and local
public health professionals. As a result, the following closures remain in effect to May 31, 2020. The
decision to extend closures and cancellations will be continually reviewed, in conjunction with direction from the Province and guidance from Wellington-Dufferin Guelph Public Health, to determine if an earlier opening is possible or if a further extension is required.
- All Township facilities and buildings remain closed to the public.
- Based on the advice of Public Health, all outdoor play structures and sports fields remain closed. Unless directed otherwise by provincial officials, open spaces in our parks remain open and the
public should continue to physical-distance themselves while using these spaces. Failure to
abide by the physical distancing requirements will result in closure of these spaces. - Township staff will continue to be available to assist and service residents by electronic means only. Business can be conducted on-line by email at [email protected] or [email protected]
or by phone by calling 519-763-1226 and leaving a detailed message. - Township Building Officials will continue to conduct legislated visits. These appointments can be booked or cancelled by emailing [email protected].
- Taxes can be paid through financial institutions via internet or telephone banking.
- Burn permits and dog tags can be purchased online at
- Additionally, there is a secure 24/7 mail drop box at the Township Municipal Office, located at 7404 Wellington Road 34, Puslinch Ontario.
- For information about the County of Wellington’s curbside collection services, please visit
The Township intends to make every effort possible to uphold a strong level of customer service during
this time. This includes continuity of essential services such as fire and road maintenance on a priority basis to support our community.
This is a rapidly evolving situation; discussions and decisions are being made on an ongoing basis. Any
changes in operations will be communicated and posted to the Township’s website at
For more information on COVID-19, and tips on taking care of your mental health during physical
distancing and social isolation, please contact Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health at 1-800-265-
7006 or visit