Puslinch Community Engagement Survey

The Township is excited to launch its annual community engagement survey regarding the Township’s 2024 Proposed User Fees and Charges on EngagePuslinch.ca to gain citizen feedback.
Every year as part of the annual budget process, the Township of Puslinch reviews its user fees and charges for services offered to the community. In order to provide quality services and programs, the Township depends on revenue from property taxes and user fees and charges. While many of the Township’s services are funded by property taxes, in some cases, the Township charges a direct user fee to the individual/organization benefitting from the service. Examples of some of the services funded in part or whole by user fees include: Use of Recreational Facilities, Building Permits, Planning and Development Applications, Dog and Kennel Licensing, Lottery Licensing, and Open Air Burn Permits.
The Township values citizen feedback and wants to encourage the public to share their thoughts on important annual projects such as reviewing Township User Fees and Charges.
“The completion of surveys such as the 2024 Proposed User Fees and Charges Survey helps to provide guidance to Council as to what residents prefer when it comes to making decisions about how funds should be sourced to maintain or improve services. I continue to encourage residents to join the conversation and have their voices heard as Council considers the 2024 Proposed User Fees and Charges.” Mayor James Seeley.
The survey will be active on the Township’s community engagement platform, EngagePuslinch.ca, from August 21, 2023 to October 6, 2023 at 12:00 p.m.
A Public Information Meeting held at 23 Brock Road South, in‐person and by electronic participation through Zoom will also take place on September 27, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. to receive public comments regarding the Township’s proposed 2024 User Fees and Charges.